Opposite the Trinity Window, in the east transept, is the window that depicts the life of the church as experienced by the congregation who worship in this building. In the left panel is the Luther seal, crowned by the Tau cross. In the left panel is an open Bible presented on a cross and crowned by a cross of the resurrection.

The artist appropriately moves from the classic to the bold to depict the Resurrection. A colorful butterfly, a symbol of new life and freedom, dominates the central medallion, though the three lilies trumpeting the East victory do not go unnoticed. The crown of the window is adorned with a ripe pomegranate, sign of abundant life.

The center medallion features the classic symbol for the Holy Eucharist: chalice and host, haloed with radiance. The Greek monogram for "Jesus" appears on the host. At the crown of the window is a grape bunch, another eucharistic symbol.

The heavenly light theme continues in this window, only now the light emanates from the descending Dove of the Holy Spirit and floods our spiritual birthplace, the baptism font. A baptismal shell crowns the window.

The stainless glass windows locations around the church

The west transept of the church building is dominated by this window celebrating the Holy Trinity. Reading in Hebrew fashion (from right to left), the window presents symbols for the Father (Creator's reaching down, flanked by the Alpha and the Omega), the Son (the Lamb of Three stars crown the window, the 7-pointed Creator's star for the Father, the Star of David for the Son, and the 9-pointed star for the Holy Spirit.

Again classic symbolism is employed here to speak of our Lord's Passion. A crown of thorns against a rough-hewn Latin cross proclaims the suffering Christ endured, and the legend on the cross, "I N R I," recalls Pilate's judgment "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews). The window is crowned with three nails, further emphasizing the suffering.

The central medallion features light from heaven coming one who prays through the words of Holy Scripture. At the crown of the window is another open book, marked with the initials "V D M A," for the Latin phrase "Verbum Dei Manet In Aeternam," or "The Word of God abides forever."

The star of David shedding its light on the Cross in the manger speaks of the birth of the Messiah who came to bear the sins of the world. The crowning medallion is the white rose that blooms in the dark night of winter, a symbol of our Lord's coming into the world.

The painting, a reproduction of “Christ in Gethsemane” painted by Jonas Olof Grafstrom, was commissioned by C.O. Dahlgren in 1919